
Air and Water

Exhibitions: Digital Futures Online Thesis Exhibition Show: CyberHaze, 2020

Air + Water Documentation Video + Air + Water Thesis Paper

Air + Water 2019-2020 is an interactive installation system where users generate virtual bubbles using custom-made bubble wands. Upon popping, watercolour stains are left in their place to fill the canvas. The watercolour hue range changes from cooler to warm based on the number of users interacting with Air + Water. If it detects only one person in its space, only cooler watercolour stains such as blues and greens will appear. If two or more users are detected, warmer colours such as yellow and red will appear much more frequently.

Air + Water was a part of my MDes thesis for exploring various translations of user inputs through digital/virtual outputs within interactive installation spaces. By using tools and visuals that complimented the input in use, I was experimenting if these design strategies could improve a user’s engagement with an interactive installation piece. You can read more about it in the project’s online exhibition website.